If you are using the Windows client, then with Horizon View 5.2 and the latest Feature Pack 2 (or later) installed then we support something called Real-Time Audio-Video. This adds support for audio-in (ie a microphone) which doesn't use USB redirection. More information for this is available at my blog post here:http://blogs.vmware.com/euc/2013/07/3370.html
As of today this does not work with Linux clients (only Windows clients currently).
If you are redirecting the device using USB then with Horizon View 5.2 there are a couple of things you could try to improve the performance. Instructions detailed here: VMware KB: How to improve audio quality when using USB headsets or speakers with a View desktop *might* help you get improved audio quality.
This is turned off by default, as it is not a fix-all solution and it might help you but it depends on your application and physical hardware.
Let me know how you get on,