Hi ...
Don't know exactly what you're asking...
VCOPS has three 'portals':
https://<FQDN VCOPS>/admin -> involves configuring and setting up VCOPS
https://<FQDN VCOPS>/vcops-vsphere -> usable for foundation and standard license (but also advanced and enterprise license)
https://<FQDN VCOPS>/vcops-custom -> usable for advanced and enterprise license
Only the last on will allow you to create custom dashboards. You cannot create custom dashboards in 'custom' portal and display that in the 'vsphere' portal.
From what I think you're trying to do is you created a custom dashboard and you want to share it, or you want it to be available on the custom portal for the 'admin' account. Sharing is easy, moving a dashboard between user accounts can be done by exporting the dashboard and import it again as a different user.
Hope this helps.