Hi All,
Has anyone seen this behavior before or could you help explain why this happening so that I can take the appropriate remedial action.
Basic summary of Infrastructure;
- vSphere 5.0 U2 with Ent Plus licences
- 30x ESXi 5.0 hosts - build 1254542
- HDS SAN - FC block storage (multiple 2TB LUNs) - SDRS cluster
- NetApp MetroCluster - NFS storage (multiple 5TB volumes) - SDRS cluster
We are currently tight on block storage capacity and are in the process of provisioning additional NFS storage - thin provisioning is widely use on both. On the HDS datastores I have the "Thin-provisioned LUN capacity Exceeded" alarm triggered, but there is still free space available on the datastore.
Yesterday I had the situation where I was unable to add any additional disks (even a small 10GB disk) or storage vMotion VM's between HDS datastores (except for 1 or 2 datastores out of 14) - NFS was unaffected. The error that I got in both cases was "The operation is not allowed in the current state of the datastore." The only way that I could resolve this was to restart the vCenter services. The first time everything worked for a few hours, and the the second time I restarted vCenter server completely.
Since then I have added an additional 2TB LUN to the SDRS cluster, and still have the "Thin-provisioned LUN capacity Exceeded" alarm triggered - but am able to storage vMotion to all HDS datastores. Capacity is currently as follows;
Name FreeSpaceMB CapacityMB
---- ----------- ----------
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 411980 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 391602 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 402413 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 427012 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 501918 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 394800 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 397538 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 398614 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 459313 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 306059 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 378631 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 392283 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 382561 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 396588 2047744
xxxxxxxxxxxxx 302924 2047744
So the questions are;
- Has anyone seen this before or did vCenter just get into a wobble?
- Do I need to be concerned about anything major?
- Are there any other areas that I should check?