Cannot start copied VM after later version of VM had blue screen error STOP...
Hi all, I am facing a blue screen issue that appears unrecoverable in my VM: at startup, the system prompts to start in normal/safe mode and whichever way ends up with the blue screen and restarts....
View ArticleRe: Win2k PRO + Horizon View
На win2k pro терминальных сервисов официально не существует, они только на серверах.Но получить доступ нужно именно к десктопным Professional операционкам.Все продукты от VmWare пока стоят evaluation...
View ArticleRe: Esxi Host Multiple Adapter
A friend told me that it is not possible to have one esxi connected to 2 differnent networks - I guess thats not correct then.So if i logon to my vsphere client and create a new vswitch then create a...
View ArticleRe: Размышления на тему нагруженной ВМ
А esxtop подверждает что вы живете на одном сокете?
View ArticleRe: vswitch - latency
I tried both vNIC E1000 and VMXNET3. Traffic between two VM connected to the same vDS on one physical server. The same VLAN, the same network.
View ArticleMigrating to a new vCenter Server and bringing the vDS intact?
Hi. We need to abandon the old (physical) vCenter Server and move everything to a new (virtual) one. It's currently on 5.0, but will be upgraded to 5.1 before the migration. The problem is that all VMs...
View ArticleRe: Alarm 'Network uplink redundancy lost': an SNMP trap for entity "ESXI...
Hi, Just wanted to add, had the same issue with it happening on only one host, disabled and re-enabled the alert fixed the issue for me too. Animesh, thanks for the tip
View Articlevma 5.0/5.1 joined domain... but can't use vifp addserver??? kind of urgent :-(
Hi, I joined my vma to my domain. I pointed it at my ESX Admins OU when I did so. I put the users I want to be able to use the vma in my OU, and gave them admin privileges in vcenter. I can login to...
View ArticleRe: Add a HardDisk to a VM (vCloud:VM)
Thats the first think |I tired and that dosnt work. Pls read the updates as I describet the problem with the existing&non existing Controller.
View ArticleCreating a VMXNET 3 NIC
Hi, I have problems creating (or if not possible changing the existing) VMXNET3 network card. The function createVirtualNetworkCard dosnt have an attribute to select the Network card.
View ArticleRe: Esxi Host Multiple Adapter
A friend told me that it is not possible to have one esxi connected to 2 differnent networks - I guess thats not correct then.No, your friend is still correct. It holds good for most of the version of...
View ArticleRe: Win2k PRO + Horizon View
C Win2k pro никогда не работал - спасибо за уточнение. Попробуйте вариант по приведенной ссылке. Возможно, потребуется обновить Windows Installer до последней доступной для этой ОС версии.
View ArticleRe: Very poor performance on one virtual machine
Gortee had the correct answer. The CPU reservation. The second I added a CPU reservation it really sped up.
View ArticleWindows 8 constant lag and slow performance
Hi Have been using fusion 5 for sometime. Have a Windows 8 vm which has been working flawlessly for months.As soon as i updated to fusion 6 and upgraded my VM this is when the issue started to occur. I...
View ArticleRe: Upgrading vCenter Server 5.1 to vCenter Server 5.1 Update 1 when SQL...
Do you have a backup of the vCenter DB before doing the upgrade on the secondary, the one you took at step 4 on the Secondary?You need to restore this DB and vCenter will start on the Primary and then...
View ArticleRe: iSCSI Targets force mounted after host upgrade, now won't mount on one host
After some more searching I've figured out that for some reason, ESXi thinks the datastores are snapshots of their fomer selves. As a rseult, once it mounts on one host in the datacenter it won't mount...
View ArticleFinder properties having array as return type
Hi All, Is there a way to deal with array return types of finders in vco?If I give the property name in the bean-property attribute then it gives [Ljava.lang.String;@4981086 as value (as...
View ArticleRe: Размышления на тему нагруженной ВМ
поставьте operations foundation, а лучше триал. пусть он полопатит пару недель эту машинку, и выдаст своё умное мнение.во-вторых shares для данной ВМ поставьте high. и Вы не рассматривали возможность...
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