DefaultPSP Change Through PowerCLI/Host Profiles doesn't stick...
ESXi 5.0u2 $vH = Get-Cluster "Test" | Get-VMHost "Test1"$vHcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost...
View ArticleRe: Network on ESXI standalone
As I mentioned in my first reply, add the second vmnic (i.e. make it active) and that's it. IMO there's no need to configure active/standby with your configuration on a stand-alone host. With both...
View ArticleWireless Bridged VMWare Workstation not assigning IP
I am on build 8.0.6 build-1035888 of VMWare workstation on a new laptop (Lenovo T430) and cannot get bridged to assign an IP address when on either a wireless router or a verizonwireless 5 user...
View ArticleRe: Limitare Utilizzo CPU a Vm
L'effetto dovrebbe in effetti essere limitato ai 4 CORE... ma ci sono antri aspetti da considerare: - sono 16 core fisici o logici? - ci sono altre macchine sull'host? e come lavorano? - ci sono...
View ArticleRe: Export Compliance Reports
You can just direct it to a text file with the Out-File cmdlet.Get-Compliance -Entity servername -Detailed | Out-File C:\compliance.txtBut that will also give you the default output (selected...
View ArticleRe: Chiarimenti VAAI-Filter claimrule
Ciao,le claimrule servono ad "abbinare" un determinato storage al suo specifico plugin VAAI presente sull'hypervisor. VAAI è abilitato per default sui server ESXi, io sinceramente non ho mai creato...
View ArticleRe: Export Compliance Reports
Thanks again LucD. I think I will leave that script as-is for a detailed view. You did get me thinking though. If I run: $Get-Compliance -Entity servername -Detailed I get a decent output showing a...
View ArticleRe: Limitare Utilizzo CPU a Vm
- sono 16 core fisici o logici?Sono 2 cpu fisiche con 8 core - ci sono altre macchine sull'host? e come lavorano?Si 5 - ci sono regole di affinity attive? No.Ho creato adesso un limite alle vms che...
View ArticleRe: VMware Player (5.0.2) Fails to Install Modules on Ubuntu (13.04)
Hello, I'm having a similar problem installing workstation 9.0.2 onto Linux Mint 15 (kernel 3.8.0-26-generic). When I install workstation I get a bunch of error messages during the VMX 5.0.2 install...
View ArticleRe: Which way is better to connect to ESXI?
With connecting VMware Workstation to an ESXi host you can do basic management. However, to get the full range of features you need the vSphere Client.What do you mean with "but we cannot use local...
View ArticleRe: Appear to have poor storage performance. Best test(s) to confirm?
On your array check the throughput and IOPS going to every physical disk - are these getting close to the mximums?on array check CPU of controllers?Check throughput of iSCSI NICs on your VMware...
View ArticleRe: Cannot copy/paste from guest to host.
No, it doesn't help. I've had this bug for months.
View ArticleRe: Cannot add datastore
Hi,I figured it out. Needed to remove special characters from the VMFS datastore name, but I also needed to reboot the management server for it to be able to see the changes and accept them Thanks
View Articlefailed to start disk migration
I am try to storage vmotion a VM. The VM has RDMs. When attempting to do so.... "a general system error occurred: failed to start disk migration" any ideas?
View ArticleRe: Vmware enterprise license for 78 CPUs?
Although julienvarela already answered the question, here's how licensing works with vCenter Server managing the licenses.You will add the license keys you have to vCenter Server, which allows you to...
View ArticleVMWare Fusion Tech Preview Crashes when Fitbit USB/Bluetooth dongle attached
Opened an issue, #13351818507, and was directed here. I'm running VMware Fusion Tech Preview 2013 (build 1140310) and when I connect my fitbit USB device to the host computer, VMWare immediately...
View ArticleRe: vCAC Plugin for vCO - retrieve custom properties
Hi Christophe, my apologies, I was thinking the vCAC extensibility package and the plug-in were one and the same. I've included a link below to the package: vCloud Automation Center extensibility package
View ArticleRe: Why no USB 3 HDD win 8 Player 5
Yes, that was one of the first things I checked. All ideas are most welcome. I see that you answer many other posts also. Do you think you will be the only one trying to move my issue forward now?...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 and HP ProLiant DL380 G5 - Xeon DualCore 5160 | 2x 3,0 GHz
Hi guys!I've purchased the server and installed customized HP ESXi 5.1 on my Proliant DL 380 G5 (Customize VMware ESXi Images for HP ProLiant Servers) and all works like a charm!Thanks to all for your...
View ArticleVixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess always returns 1 or 20
Hi ! I noticed that for me VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess always Returns 1 (FAIL) when called on vcenter and 20 (VIX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT) when called on esxi directly.It this correct? I'm not...
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